Friday, October 24, 2014

Aaaaand - it's gone.

"Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs."

Truth is, indeed, the Daughter of Time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hey, Elder of Zion - Add Me!

Hope I did it right...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Justice for Gary Rumain!

A number of my friends and I have tried, for about a year now, to get Google to stop allowing an extremely nasty bigot to impersonate the real Gary Rumain. This blog - - has been operating since May of 2010, despite countless abuse reports, complete with photo ID, to the effect that Gary Rumain is being deliberately impersonated. How do we know it's deliberate? Simple: because of the associates the bigot has.

Starting several years ago, Gary Rumain's wife made it her business to kick the asses of online bigots. Yeah, a fairly monotonous exercise; they're not just bullies, they're ineducable (kind of a prerequisite for bullies), and drunk with the power of anonymity. Even if you can get one to slink away in shame over his utter brainlessness, another one always slithers in to take his place. But when you hate (among others) Jews, women and anyone who tells you what a dickhead you are, Gary's wife is your worst nightmare! She actually picked up some stalkers, death threats (which the FBI took more than a passing interest in), the works. But she's a stubborn cuss, and the slimebags decided to step it up: they went after her husband (They only knew who he was by the fact that the two of them used to share an account; her earliest posts are under his name, but she signed every one of them).

While half of the losers had tried, off and on, to impersonate her for spewing their crap, one bigot never went that route. Maybe he saw how easily the others got shut down over it? Maybe he was so homophobic that he didn't want anyone to think he was a girl? Whatever - the fact is that this one started, while online, to stop using his usual nym "The Yaako Warrior", and start using Gary's name (Google "The Yaako Warrior" to see why this was more-than-ordinarily unacceptable; guy's a real shithead).

Normally, a line to the effect of "Hey, you know this guy isn't Gary Rumain and I am" did the trick. (For any of you reading this who want to suggest that my friend can't be the only Gary Rumain in the world, I challenge you to find another one. Go ahead; I'll wait.). But then,either that asshole - or, more likely, another one just like him - found Google Blogs. Which seems to be one of those wonderful organizations that don't care what happens, as long as they get their money. Which makes it lucky for them that Gary doesn't have the money to sue their asses. I keep telling him that the lawyers can get paid from the damages, but he's just more cautious than I am. That, and we all know the bastard in question is from another country - either Australia or England. And how do we know this? Again - the accomplices.

There were two slimebags in particular that absolutely "adored" Gary's wife (the ones who did the most (and most stupid) forgeries of her). Online, they are known as "Ben Kramer" (from Australia) and "The Phony Rev" (from London). The latter started posting under the name "Reverend Terence Fformby Smith", which got him the name everyone else calls him ("Phony Rev" or "Rev Pedo" for his championing the cause of pedophilia). He's gone by other names, too - Gordon Radovich, Eli Grubman, Miriam Lauhson. And he's the one who gave his buddy away - what a pair of morons!

When Gary's wife discovered the impersonation, she naturally laid into the bastard - using her Twitter account, which doesn't have her name on it. INSTANTANEOUSLY, she was not just blocked by the dickless coward (the same way others of us were when we went to take up the slack), she picked up a new follower on Twitter: "Reverend Terence Fformby Smith." How dumb can you get? There's only two explanations: either the dumbshit gave his buddy away, or, it's really just one bigot using a lot of the same names. Either way, none too bright.

Ok, so why are we worried about what a raving lunatic is spewing on the internet? Because he's spreading some of the nastiest - and sadly, the more usual - sort of anti-Muslim hatred and lies, all under the pretense of being "anti-terrorist". Just the sort of comments that get backlash - sometimes from terrorists. That's right, the supposed "brave anti-terrorist" is using the name of a Jewish man to hide behind, so if there's any fallout from his filth, an innocent guy will get it all. And, what's worse (and, admittedly, the only thing that really bugs Gary, as opposed to his more ornery wife and friends), a relative that he lost contact with went looking for him on the internet - and bumped into all the sewage (not least of which was that blog). So, she didn't contact him until someone else contacted her - a few YEARS were lost in the meantime!

Google really owes Gary, but this blog is all I can do about it.